Sunday, May 12, 2013

On the Road Again, Just can't wait to get on the road again... (Everyone sing along!)

Getting ready to head off into the sunset (Italy that is)… but first a good long wait in the Detroit Airport… quite frankly, I’m happy to be trapped in here.  I’m not sure life could have been any crazier the past few months.  It’s nice to be forced to sit somewhere quietly for a while to watch movies, write and read… It’s sad it takes that sometimes.  J

About 5 years ago I took a class called “Europe in the Age of Revolution”.  Anyone who knows me well knows this was a fairly life changing class for me.  I doubt I’m unique in the desire to see and discover things in the world – especially after learning about them.  In addition to that class, both my art history and art appreciation classes were influential in my desire to see Italy.

Interestingly, Nick recently finished a Western Civ class and it had a similar effect on him.  We’ve spent a lot of recent walks dissecting the politics and religion and ways of life of Europe.

Our itinerary is Venice, Cinque Terre, Florence and Rome.

We’re staying in mostly bed and breakfasts along the way as it was a more cost effective way to travel.  It should add an interesting element to the trip!

Nick has done more research then you can imagine – I’m proud of him for putting the trip together!  It’s been a lot of work.  He tries to tell me about it sometimes, but I’ve got about a 5 min attention span when it comes to hearing research – I’m a doer.  I’ve gotten used to hearing rushed stories about Italy because he’s trying to get everything he can in before my attention span dies.

I’m interested to see what the people will be like in Italy.  I think of Italians as expressive, loud, warm/friendly and emotional.  Coming from a family of 5 girls – who have never met a leopard print they didn’t like, they may end up coming across subdued.  I’ve been warned more times than I can count to watch out for pick pockets.  I’m from a family that does not like to have their stuff taken.  I lock my car in the garage.  If someone tries to steal my stuff, I’m afraid I’ll have an adrenaline rush and they won’t know what hit them. ;)
Also it's mother's day!  Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mom and my lovely mother-in-law!  Not that it's uber crazy -- but I was in France over Father's day a couple years ago.

Additionally, the following items gag me: bread, pasta, pizza and several sauces… also, I don’t drink.  Maybe I’ll finally lose that 15 lbs I’ve been working on to no avail!  I am keeping an open mind about the food – I’ve heard it’s wonderful, so I am planning on trying it. JWelp!  Not much to report at this point, planning on blogging as time permits, so stay tuned if you’re interested. 
Ha -- my terrible attempt to get a parting picture. lol.  Not great.  Jack was distraut -- following us from room to room, knowing we were leaving.  Nick was headed out of the house to put luggage in the car and Jack ran out the door after him and then tried to stare deep into his eyes to make him feel bad about leaving. lol.  It worked.  :)  Poor buddy.  He's in good hands w/ my brother (inlaw) tho!  One of the places we're staying has a dog -- I'm sure I'll be happy to see him and get a puppy fix. 
WOO HOO!  See you soon!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay you blogged! can't wait to hear about your trip have a great time!!!!