Monday, May 20, 2013

Cold and Rainy Day in Sienna!

We've been staying with a lady named Donatella at her B&B.  Another couple from Tennessee have been here as well on their honeymoon.  We've enjoyed chatting with them every morning.  They were off to the Cinque Terra today, so we wished them well.  I love meeting people on travel.  It's fun to sit and talk with people.  You already have something in common -- you're in travel in the same place. :)

Also, Nick and I have been by each others side since Sunday -- so we're pretty happy to talk to other people at this point.  :)

We hopped on the rapid bus for Sienna today.  But not before I have a man .60 euros to use the bathroom.  He handed me a pack of Kleenex and for a second I became concerned I bought Kleenex instead of a bathroom pass.  But.. you guessed it -- that was the toilet paper. 

Not to go on and on about this uncouth topic... but when we were in Sienna I also paid to pee.  This one was a steal at .50 euros.  But -- the toilet didn't have a seat.  Let me tell you -- I'm pretty sure there are sports you have to qualify to participate in that take less thigh strength then what happened in that bathroom. 

Ok -- on last thing -- I was warned profusely and often about the bathrooms in Italy -- but so far there have only been the two w/out seats.  Nick did say one of the trains restrooms was just a hole to the tracks. lol.  Guess that explains the signs about not using the bathroom while the train is docked in station or near it.  lol.  OK == ENOUGH.

So -- we hit Sienna and it was cold and rainy and pretty much miserable. The ride thru Tuscany was beautiful tho and towards the end of the trip it started clearing up.  We did get back and take a nap tho.  Too cold and too windy all day. 

A few pictures from the day in random order.  :)

A church
Another church

A square.  Apparently they fill this full of sand and have horse races with all the different neighborhoods in the city. (Hannah -- if you're reading this -- one of the neighborhoods is called the unicorn ;)

If you don't know how to parallel park, you probably shouldn't live here -- or you should buy a smaller car then the even smaller cars that are already here so you can just park side-ways. :)  We watched  car parallel park the other day -- it just kept hitting the car in front and behind it to squeeze in.  All of the cars bumpers are a mess.  It's just how they roll. 
Look at this door!  All the doors are like this.  Everyone has awesome doors.

That beautiful church I showed you earlier -- this is the floor outside of it.  Amazing.

Nick taking pictures and trying to stay dry.

More detail on the beautiful church. 
Later, back in Firenze (Florence).  A walk after dinner to see the bridge one last time.  It was lovely.  Also, there were a 1/3 of the people that have been there.  This weekend was a holiday because of Pentecost.  Celebrated in almost all of Europe as I understand.  So, there were many more people in town then normal.  You can tell the drastic difference in the number of people.  Also, we were told that many of the Italian holidays have been canceled due to the economy.  How would you like to have Chirstmas canceled! 

1 comment:

Hannah said...

HA! I love it! I think I am going to call our hallway, "Unicorn alley" - Looks like you're having a good time! Hope you made a wish at the Trevi Fountain! I hope you were able to make it to the Vatican today (Wednesday) - in the past that is one of the days that the Pope is outside -it was an amazing experience, even for the non-Catholic, like me :)

Hope the book has come in handy. Make sure you have one last gelato for me :)