Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I'm not even sure where to start today!  Rome is definitely exceeding my expectations.  It reminds me of Paris in that there are so many people and the traffic is chaos and it's all set to an old back drop, but it's definitely got its own vibe.  I love it here!

We started out the day hearing the Pope speak.  There were soooo many people there!  The morning was warm -- so you had to see around umbrellas.  People from all over the world were there.  They had a special prayer for the people in Oklahoma, especially those who have lost children.

The back drop for the service was St. Peter's Basilica, which we explored later.  It was pretty mind blowing. 
We didn't stay to see the Pope in the Pope mobile.  He circles the area there after the service.  We headed off to the Vatican Museum and beat the crowds by a bit -- which was good -- because they got out of control!  At one point there were so many people crammed in a spot it was like being caught in a current. 
Nick said he had read the museum was 7 miles of museum -- something like that.  There were people everywhere!  7 miles of people everywhere.  There were tour groups in abundance.  They follow these sticks with any number of things taped to the end thru the crowd so they can identify their groups.  You could not take a picture without getting a person in it. :)

Awesome art in a garden/open area

One of the first ancient sculptures of a person. 
School of Athens by Raphael!!!  Awesome!!

The map room!  OMG -- so cool.  and LOOK AT THE CEILING!!!

Another Courtyard
A leaf fell in a very strategic place...

Stairs out of the museum.
We saw the Sistine Chapel -- Michelangelo's work.  It was so much art in once place -- it was a lot to take in.  You couldn't take pictures there.  There were guards who walked around telling people to be quite, cover there arms, quit taking pictures, etc.  The guards there were no nonsense!  You did what they said and when they said it -- you believed them.   
Then it was back to St. Peter's Basilica.  The largest church in the world, I do believe.  Nick and I had downloaded a Rick Steve's audio tour of that and it was pretty good.  Peter (of the Apostles) is as the Vatican says, "Definitely, maybe buried there".  :)  ALSO -- Michelangelo's Peita is there!!  That was awesome to see in person.  So many of these pieces I've had in art classes!  So cool to see them in person!
Michelangelo's pieta -- some guy came into the Basilica w/ a hammer and managed to do some damage to it a few years back -- so it is now behind bullet proof glass.  They were able to repair the sculpture, but sad that someone would do that.  It's Michelangelo's only signed work.
The ceiling -- or part of it.  I think the Rick Steve's audio said the building is maybe a 400 feet high.  It's hugenormous -- so this is one tiny part of a ceiling of a huge building.

Look at the chairs and the people relative to this gazebo!  It's HUGE!
Building from outside.


From there we were out and about!  As Francesca (our B&B lady) said -- it's all worth seeing.  And that is the truth!  Everywhere you walk is awesome.
Bridge near Castle Sant' Angelo

THEN when we walked to the Pantheon!  I don't know why, but when I walked thru the door it just choked me up!  I loved this building in art class and when I walked thru the door -- it was amazing!  AMAZING!!  We sat there for an hour soaking it in.  So much to say about this building -- Rafael is buried here, amongst 100 other interesting things.  We sat there and as rain came thru the middle and bounced off the floor.  Too look up and see rain coming thru the ceiling ~60 feet above you... it was surreal.  My camera had died by then -- I had pretty much had it on all day. :)  So -- it was point and shoot time!

I'm having a hard time editing!  :)  Anyway!  I'm going to end here.  :)  Hope everyone had a good day! 
Love to all!

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