Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What If...

My blog... as we all recall -- it's just me shooting from the hip -- not spending much time editing.  :)  Nick's been shaking his head over spelling/gramar things I've written, not to mention calling the churches in Sienna -- "a church" and "another church".  : )  ha.  Poor guy. 

Anywho -- I've said more times then I can count, "what if you just grew up with these as your surroundings..."?  "what if you just got off a work, and you walked by the Colosseum"?  "what if you were a kid and you went to school w/ the Duomo as your back drop"?  What if, what if, what if.  It's crazy -- these people have no clue what beige siding is. 

We left Donatella's today and headed to Roma, to Francesca's!  I can't help it -- I'm a city girl! There is something about the city, I just love.  I love the hikes we've done to places over the years, I love flowers and nature things, but I love, love, love man made things.  I love buildings and architecture and art.  Nick and I were talking about it today -- it's probably not fair to compare them.  They're probably apples and oranges.  I've been blown away by both -- but I get excited about the city. 

We got to our B&B and it's pretty stinking awesome.  It's the most modern of the places and by far the biggest.  I'll post some pictures at some point of the house, but suffice it to say, it's just beautiful.  Francesca is a Rome native, so she knows a great deal about the city.

We spent a few hours just laying around chilaxing and then we headed out to see the city.  Every corner had one more amazing thing.  We wandered thru several things, that we'll go back and visit for longer, but just wanted to get our barrings a little.

I've been excited about seeing numerous of these things for a few years now.  It was awesome to see them in person!

Trevi Fountain -- awesome, awesome, awesome.
Spanish steps!  We just sat around for a while on them with all the peoples.  :)

Monument Mussolini built - Victor Emmanuel Monument

Colosseum -- amazing to think they would flood it with water add ships and reenact battles.

Me going up the Spanish Steps!

Director's cut of the Spanish Steps by Nick Timmerman

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