Monday, May 13, 2013

Panty hose, Nuns and Babies on Scooters

You know... you really can't travel internationally too often and live to tell about it.  It is just hard on a person.  18 hours of travel just takes a toll! 

Once we finally made it to Venice, we wandered around for quite sometime with quite some luggage trying to find our bed and breakfast.  Venice reminded me of France with all the streets that wound and turned out where you didn't expect and weren't on the map.  But, eventually we made it to our destination.

The house is a great little location.  Right off one of the major streets in "eye" of Venice, as Alassandro calls it -- Venice is shaped like a fish.

View from our bedroom window...

Sorry about the mess - we were trying to get back out the door while there was still daylight.... and I'm a messy. :)

Our buddy, Gina.  :)  She's a cutie.  She got put in time out for barking too much today. lol.  So many dogs everywhere here.  50% of them are not on leashes, just super well behaved.  They all have their tags on.

  We went out exploring tonight -- it's very easy to get lost.  Which is probably why we had a little trouble finding our B&B.  But every single turn was beautiful.  What an amazing place. You can read about places and you can see them in pictures/movies, but there's nothing like turning the corner and seeing it for real.

Also, back to my title... Those three things stood out to me.  There were a lot of women wearing panty hose, not something you see a lot in the states.  There were nuns walking in the streets -- not sure I know the last time I've seen a nun in uniform/habit outside of a church.  AND there were midgets -- probably 3 years old -- riding scooters along their parents -- without helmets (did I hear American's gasp!!?  ;).  They were all really cute. 

We also came upon a group of them playing vollyball in a court.  Probably ranged from 5 - 12. Pretty cute.

Ok -- I need to hit the hey!  Nick's passed out cold -- I don't think he slept a wink last night.

Some of the beauty of Venezia!


joni said...

AHH! i want to be there with you!!!! glad to see you made it safe :) Sleep good so you have energy the rest of the time!

Paul said...

Gorgeous--glad to know you arrived in one piece! Have a wonderful time!