Saturday, July 23, 2011

Some Like It Hot!

It's been a week of hot hot weather, heat advisories and mediocre hair! Is this better than winter...? Hmmmm... I still going to go w/ a yes on that. :)

One of the guys at church makes pico de gallo and it's to die for. Wednesday night I decided I HAD to have it. Makes sense, since it was so hot... Let me tell ya, the heat advisory when up a notch after that.
I made the unfortunate mistake of not wearing any gloves while cutting the jalapenos and serrano peppers... then touching my face. Face started on fire. My hands burned most the night - had to soak them in yogurt for a while. Fortunately, when I woke up and they were ok.

This is where I found the Tostida chips this AM...

Anyway - Here's the recipe:

6 Med Tomatoes
1 Med Onion
4 Jalapenos (I think one or two would be PLENTY)
4 Serrano Peppers (Again, I think one or two would be PLENTY) – these peppers are about a 1/3 of the size of a jalapeno. 
8-10 Stems of Cilantro
1/2 Tsp Crushed Garlic
1/2 Tsp Crushed Red Pepper
1/2 Tsp Cumin
1/2 Tsp Salt

My aunts Glenna's guacamole is a great non-hot option if the heat advisory is pushing you too far. :)  YUMMMM

6 Avocados Mashed
2 Large Tomatoes Chunked/Seeded
2 Jalapenos Diced/Seeded for Mild - I skipped
2 Cloves Garlic Minced
Cilantro Chopped (Use Scissors)
Kosher Salt to Taste
And as people like to say at the end of recipes... "Enjoy!" lol. Ha!

I cover this w/ wax paper - press it down on top of the guac to keep it from iodizing (???) when the air hits it.  Then I cover it w/ tin foil.

I planted this a couple years ago and it bloomed!  I was so happy when I saw it!  One of my favorite flowers.

Jack asked to have his picture taken... not enough light, but he would have been disappointed if I didn't post.   

Jack as a ghost 

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