Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Good Form!

Well, Nick came home all excited the other day - he found one of those speed monitors and wanted to see how fast he could run.  So we threw the dog in the car and headed out to see how we rated. 

Here's the results:

He was a little disappointed, he said his dad got up to 20mph when he did it back in the day.  16mph seems pretty good to me tho.  :)

My feeble attempt... I think my form was good tho.  :)

Also, this made me laugh... I found it in a footlocker I was attempting to clean out.  We went thru a spurt where we had a port-a-potty because the of water problems we were having during the flooding in 2008... I stumbled upon this e-mail I had sent Nick. lol. My guess is there wasn't a lot of humor in me when I wrote this e-mail (should be able to click on it to make it bigger).

And because I love them - beautiful pictures of the sky (from last week).  It was erie out, one side of the sky was very dark and the rest well lit.

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