Monday, July 13, 2015

Sweet Fatigue and Hail to the Marmot

Vacation isn't over today, but it really is.  Last day in Glacier and then we head back to fly out of Salt Lake City. 

Today was a sweet day.  We dropped off Nick for his dare-devil hike at 9:30am and didn't see him again until 3:30pm.  Cathi and I started off on a hike from the visitor center.  She had a knee replacement 6 months ago, so she has to be careful about how far she goes.  Today she was the poster child for knee replacements as she hiked a large portion of the Hidden Lake hike!  We had a great time scaling the mountain, talking to strangers and each other, and dodging small animals that seemed to be drawn to her.  She may be Cinderella, I'm not sure.  ;)

From there we went exploring in Apgar Village, which is inside the park, but nothing like the park.  A few hotels, gift shops, restaurants, and wait for it... WiFi and 4G.  We had a nice lunch and then headed back up the hill to wait for Nick.

When I say headed back up the hill, I mean about an hour drive.  :)  Things take a while when you're driving 25-40 mph.  

As we got settled we saw Nick Timmerman emerge from the trail exhausted, dehydrated and wearing his spare shirt on his head.  He found a couple people to hike with the last 2 hours as he was going through Grizzly country.  I introduced myself to the people he was hiking with which was funny, because as we were all exchanging names Nick and the hikers also exchanged names for the first time -- after two hours of hiking together and talking.  Apparently hikers just mostly talk hiking shop.  :)  

Also... a group of them hiking were charged by mountain goat on their hike, while on the overpass.  Nick said they had to cling to the mountain wall as the goat went running by.  Probably more dramatic than it sounds, but still a pretty amazing adventure while on a mountain overpass.  

So, that's the story about these happy trails. :)  Hoping all our family and friends can make it to these great places at some point!  My sister Mel texts me after every post and says she's on the next plane. lol.  :)  Hoping she gets here with or without me some day!

Until the next time!

Nick heading out on Highline Trail!

See the line through this picture?  That's what Nick is hiking on!

A Marmot that came to greet him as he hiked.

Beautiful flowers on Nick's journey.  See the ant on the middle flower?  Tiny tiny tiny flowers.  :)

More beautiful flowers on Nick's hike.

Chalet 7.6 miles into Nick's hike.  Granite Park Chalet built in 1914 and 1915.  No word on how they got resources up there or how the employees get up there for work everyday!

Taxidermy Marmot in the Visitor Center at Logan's Pass.  Love those teeth.  :)

Beautiful flowers and baby evergreen on Cathi and my hike of Hidden Lake.

Marmot posing for his senior pictures on Hidden Lake hike.

Some of our views.

These are all starting to look a little the same to me.  :)

Trying to get a picture of Nick's hike from our the view of our hike.  The major line through the mountain is the car road, the line above it is the Highline trail.  Really no way to show the immensity of what he hiked, but an attempt.

Blessed to have great parents and great in-laws.  So glad my mother-in-law was able to come with us.  Nick and I have been married for 17 years, which means in this picture I'm as old as she was when Nick and I got married and she and Jeff  and the boys became my family.  I've learned from her and laughed with her a lot over those years.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I think I better jump on that plane with Mel! lol lol