Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sick, White and Out of Shape!

We decided to hit the open road and travel across the country to Yosemite!  We've been driving for several days now and I brought 20+ books to read.  Nick and I had several discussions about how many books I could take, but... I just kept packing them.  Mom gave me a 450 page book a couple years ago that I finally pulled out and started reading here and there last week.  I finished the remaining 400 pages driving the last two days. :)  I'm planning on just leaving books in hotels all over America.  :)

Nick started this vacation the way he has started many of our vacations... very sick.  He was feverish and congested last night and bed-ridden for the time he wasn't driving.  He woke up in much better shape today, so we were happy about that.  We still have a few days before Yosemite, so I'm hoping he's completely recovered by the time we get there.

It was a scorcher of a day.  It ranged from 93 - 103 degrees for most of the drive.  We did a short 1/2 mile hike in Canyonlands National Park that almost killed me.  My face was so red... it was reminiscent of when my mom would come in from burning brush in the backyard.  :)  It became quite apparent that my Irish German blood was not handling the heat/sun well and that I am woefully out of shape.  The good news is I'll have something to aspire to when I'm done with school.

We didn't take a ton of pictures, but here are a few of our hot hot time in Canyonlands!

Classic must-have coffee shot

Mesa Arch
Behind us is a sheer drop into a canyon abyss.  We watched a man walk on top of the arch... This is why men die earlier than women.  1) He said he didn't see the sign that said not to walk on it when his wife told him about the sign and 2) 90% of women don't look at an arch that is three feet wide with a sheer drop on the other side and think... "what should I do next?"  I know!"  "I'll figure out how to climb on top of the arch and see if I can get a better view!"  

White white girl trying not to be baked to death.

Such a handsome boy.  :)  And the scenery ain't bad either.

Ghost town we're staying in tonight.  Dust storm was starting up, you can see how foggy the mountain is behind the deserted buildings and gas station.  Ended up eating at a good Mexican restaurant.  Some folks from Thailand were there and we met another couple who were there from Burlington, IA... what in the world?  I think we represented 50% of the town population.

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