Sunday, May 6, 2012

Guest Blogger - Nick Timmerman!!

So, we started off for Arches National Park this AM!  I had a pretty sleepless night, so as usual, we were hitting the park at prime time for people and heat.  :)  Poor Nick.  We made a trip through to see the arches and they were beautiful, but I just didn't have another day of hiking in me!  So, he dropped me off at the hotel room where I watched murder mysteries and those home shows.  What's wrong w/ people!?  When did granite counter tops become something people could NOT live without??  Also, the things that people can not live without are just amazing to me.  This paint color is hideous!  You're a grown up -- REPAINT it.  :)  I would be a terrible realtor.  People have no imagination.

Anyway -- Nick came home pumped up about his journey through the trails!  He loved the park, so I think he should just tell his story! :)  Have at it honey!

I love it out West.  Big open spaces that let you feel free. The way overused adjective of the trip is "wild."  I need to find a better word but that's just what comes out of my mouth around every turn.  It's not exactly the old Wild West, but there is still plenty of wild to draw me here.  I have to admit though, the wildest thing I've seen is Emie hiking day after day including a hike through a river deep into a canyon.

Arches was beautiful.  Em and I hit it up for a short bit, and then I dropped her off at the hotel and went back for a couple hikes.  I had to do the famous Delicate Arch.  The great thing about it is that it didn't disappoint as famous landmarks sometimes do.  The bad thing is that it is famous enough to draw the masses...dozens of umbrella wielding hikers (a little strange but not unwise); boy with pants ripped down the backside; lot's of sandal wearers and others who underestimated the hike; and many with no water at all (makes me want to write a hiking guide : )  But it was beautiful and everyone was great.  In fact, a woman who had asked aloud whether the hike was worth her life half way up was the life of the party while getting her picture taken under the arch. 

Outside of just sitting and enjoying the view I learned that "cheese" is a universal language.  "Uno, dos, tres...Cheese;" "eins, zwei, drei...Cheese."  It seems that everyone has nice cameras and loves taking pictures, but after you get your shot you gotta sit back and just enjoy being there!  It's more than a picture and it's more than scenery.  For me it's definitely something that I feel in more ways than I could explain.  Besides, I've told Emie that I'm private enough that there are things I don't even share with myself : )  So Em's blog is fun, but a little bit scary at the same time.

Anyway, so far so good.  I've wondered what the best part is, but it's like trying to decide what kind of pizza is best.  They're all good.  My only preference is extra large and that's what it is out here.  And out here is away...and that's good too - to just get away from it all for a while.

Emie under a wildly big arch

Delicate Arch

Landscape Arch

Wild Balancing Rock

Beauty Overload :)

Well, I had the wrong day for Cinco de Mayo -- oops.  Hopefully no one ran out and ate Mexican a day early. ;)

I took the night off last night from blogging!  We had a pretty lazy day yesterday, trotted around Moab and saw what we could see.  It was a nice day and a much needed rest.  BUT then... we headed out on a Hummer tour through the area.  It was quite the little experience.  I used to think Nick loved me, but now I'm not so sure.  :)

Around 5:30 we loaded up our Hummer driver (Larry) and 3 Germans, part of a larger European group that had broke off to do the Hummer tour.  One of the names of the guys in the group was Mathias, my nephews name, so we remembered that one no problem.  :)  We bumped into him to day at Arches National Park which was funny.  Over the week we've run into a lot of the same people. 

So, we loaded up and headed out. I wasn't completely sure what to expect, and Nick decided to keep me not filled in to ensure I'd go on the trip.  :)  Such a dear.  I think I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.  It was an amazing trip.  I'm glad we did it and I'm glad it's over.  :)  My dad had to bribe me on to roller coasters as a kid, I've never run head long into these things.  My need for self preservation is high.

The amazing part is how often you see midgets on all these trips!  We were returning from our Hummer trip and heading down a "fin" that was pretty spooky and passed a guy in a jeep w/ open sides and a 2 year old in the backseat.  He was in a car seat, but still!!  Today at Arches there was a women slinging and infant around.  It made me think of that baby that hey had hauled up Harney Peak in South Dakota.  Hikers are a different breed.  I have no doubt those kids will grow up w/ it in their blood.

We got home about 9:00pmish and caught an episode of VH1 behind the music.  Biggie Big and Tupac were caught in an East coast/West coast rivalry.  For those who don't know, it didn't end well.  ANYWHO!!

View from the back of the Hummer.  Black tracks indicated the path we went up.

The Hummer behind us coming down one of the fins. 

The hummer behind us coming up one of the fins.


There were bikers (cycles and motor), Jeeps, Hummers and off roaders out there.  It really confirmed my belief that men never do quite grow up.

I think this is where Monster trucks came from.  These things were crazy -- their wheels would seemingly would go about any direction.  Apparently they cost about 75k.  Not a cheap little habit. :)

It's us!

Colorado River

Sunset.  Apparently this is called the Dragons Trail.  I think these people spend a little too much time in the sun, so far on this trip I've heard, if you look closely you can see:  Elvis, Nemo, and Elephant, Mustafas lion pride something or other from the kids Lion King movie... Yeah, and I saw Bugs Bunny in the clouds the other day...

Nick working on one of his famous vacation videos.  :)  They're a passion of his. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

How to describe today... it felt like the Israelites wandering through the wilderness for 40 years... but wait, there's more... the Israelites wandering while driving in a snow storm on the 380.  I have to say, this isn't going down as my all time favorite day.  :)  I was really happy when we pulled into Moab tonight. :)

I think I'm coming down w/ the sinus stuff that Nick had, so after a rough nights sleep I woke up still a little sick and with a headache.  Not the first time that's happened while on vaca tho, and we headed out from the Circle D Motel to hit some slot canyons.  What a trek.

The road to get to the canyons was PART of the driving on 380 in a snow storm moment.  It was a dirt road for 30 miles in a CIA car.  I thought that Crown Vic was going to eventually just start shedding parts.  You know, you look back and there goes the bumper and then the door.  30 miles at ~30 miles and hour is just painful.  So, we finally got to the turn off and went down and even worse road for 1.7 miles.  When we pulled into the area where people parked there were quite a few vehicles.  We were the only car tho.  lol.  Poor little thing had to chug us through. 

It got so hot out there and we didn't really know where we were suppose to be going.  People stack rocks up into things called "karens (sp?)" you're suppose to follow these stacks of rocks (no signs).  They're not always easy to spot tho. I had just about every Bible story I'd been taught as a child go through my head. It felt like that would have been the landscape that it all took place in. I felt like Ishmael a couple times today -- just throw me under a shaded bush and give me what water is left and leave me to die. lol.

Due to the great remoteness of the area and the length of time we were out there, I managed to have to pee out in the wilderness.  YEA.  :/  Thank God for public restrooms!  Modern conveniences really are a blessing.  :)

Once we finally figured out where we were suppose to be the slot canyons were pretty awesome.  Very narrow in some spots.  I was a little worried about Nick, he struggles w/ a little claustrophobia, but he made it through.  Good job hon!

From there it was off to Moab!  Holy Moly!  The trek from Escalante to Moab was SCARY!!!!!!!!!!   At one point we were almost at 10,000 ft.  Other times the road would narrow down to scary, scary, scary and there were huge drop offs on either sides.  At one point it was like a roller coaster, we came up over such a steep road you didn't know if there was going to be a road going down the other side.  For a moment I think we both got panicky.  :)  What were the settlers thinking?  Don't you wonder?  How did they find these slot canyons, why was it worth it for them to cut roads through this majorly rugged terrain?  How many of them died doing it?  I barely wanted to do it from an air conditioned car.  I guess that's the cool part tho -- the spirit of the settler is still around out here.  People want to be away from people, getting dirty, blazing trails.

So, we finally rolled into Moab.  Moab is a very interesting place.  If a large Catholic family called the Khaki's decided to reunited all their khaki family for a family reunion --- the Khaki's would have that family reunion in Moab.  There are four types of vehicles here, all terrain vehicles, Jeeps, mountain bikes and Jeeps.  Also, there are a lot of men here.  Men in large groups and small groups.  Men, men, men.  Men in khaki driving jeeps. 

A couple we tagged along with part of the way -- he graduated from Iowa.  This picture seems steeper then it actually was.  Lord knows if felt this steep on the way back up!

Tight fits!

Pretty flowers in the middle of desert!

Peek-a-boo Canyon

I think this part got to him a bit.  It was definately tight tight in spots.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What in the World!?

I say WOOO HOO and What in the world a lot on this trip...  So many things that are inexplicable.  You just drive along and then BAM!  There's this awesome thing.  Also, I'm sick of putting things in quotes.  You'll just have to follow along. :)

It's funny the parks all have these welcome signs from the 1950s.  It made me think, how many things are enduring??  Where can you go in 2012 that looks the same or mostly the same as it did in 1950's.  I've felt a couple times that Nick should be driving a station wagon with wood paneling while wearing a fedora, I'd be smoking a cigarette because our four kids in the back seat are stressing me out.  That's just the feel I get when I pull into some of these places.  :)

I can't say how nice it is to be off for two weeks straight.  It's a rare treat for Americans. :)  I know this because when I told people I was going to be gone for two weeks, they all said the same thing -- TWO WEEKS!!!  :)  Can I just say, I highly recommend it.  I think we say 15 times a day -- do you know what day it is.  lol.  It's a nice break from writing the date 15 times a day -- and still not remembering what day it is.

ALSO, I've taken hardly any ibuprofen on this trip despite really pushing myself physically everyday.  I've always noticed the more I sit, the worse I feel.  Darn swivel chairs and recliners -- they're the real back breakers in this world. :)  The funny part is when I woke up today my hands hurt and the back of my arms. lol.  From all that digging in against the current when we crossed the river yesterday. 

There have been a lot of Parisians on this trip and Asians.  All the parks and areas have been pretty quiet so far we've heard -- I'm guessing once the kids get out of school, the Americans will begin filling the parks up.  Also, I'm not sure if a duty free Harley-Davidson shop just recently got opened somewhere, but we have interestingly ran across a few Harley-Davidson riding French biker groups... My guess is they're French speaking Canadian... that would make more sense...  maybe.  Anyway -- it's not quite what you expect.

The weather has been lovely everyday so far.  A real blessing.  It's not been too hot, it was even a little chilly at some points today.  We were at over 8,000 elevation today, so that always seems to play into things.  There are hardly any bugs and my hair dries in ~19 seconds. 

Also, people who light cigarettes in national parks that have signs advising the fire potential for the day make me nervous.  Just wait till you get out.  You can do it!  I believe in you!

This is our CREEPPPPY fake sherif!  What the what!  Isn't this just creepy?  There was another one up the road.

Welcome to Bryce Canyon!

Lots of trees with a lot of root exposed.  Kind of pretty.

Looking good, Nick Timmerman!

Awwww... cute little buddy.

Classic Nick Timmerman shot.

Hail to the Hodo! (that's what these things are called FYI)


Switchbacks all the way back up!  Beautiful views.

This monument is called Thor's hammer.

It's us!

Ha ha!  I put him up to this  :)  It's so funny. :)

Isn't it amazing?

Some friends we met yesterday took this picture and e-mailed it to us!  So sweet!  This is us just getting started on the journey!  :)

We're staying at the Circle D Motel in Escalante, UT.  When we got here there were some folks playing guitar and banjo while singing most of the sound track of Oh Brother Where Art Tho.  We opened the windows and doors and sang along when we could.  :)  Nick came and got me just a min ago (he's outside reading -- hates all the typing lol), a guy a couple rooms up is out in front of his room playing his violin.  What is this awesome place!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Woooo Hooo

That's what I whooped all day!!  WOOOO HOOO!!  What a blast. 

My mom said before we left, "I'm so happy you're going, and I'm really glad I'm not."  lol. ha ha.  I thought of that a couple times the past few days.  But the beauty has FAR out weighed the pain.

Today was the bomdiggity.  ;)  I use that expression, never, but it felt appropriate here.  :)

Nick hiked Angel's landing in Zion National park ~8 years ago.  I had a business trip (I'm so important ;) in Las Vegas and he had free time so he headed to Zion.  It was pretty life changing for him.  To be honest, it didn't seem any less life changing today for him.  That boy is just HOME when he's in these places. 

We hit the park around 8:30ish, perfect time for me and probably a little later then Nick would have liked.  He likes to get there before all the people.  :)  As you all know by now, I like my sleep.  :)  So, we did a pretty good 1/2 way point being in the park by 8:30am.  I'll post some pics toward the end of the park, but honestly, there's just no understanding the magnitude of these things until you see them in person.  I get verclempt at about everything, and today was no exception.  we came around a bend that was just mind blowing and there the tears came.  I always put my sunglasses on and look out the window when this happens.  Too much eye contact would probably make me full fledged ball.  :)

So we picked up our rental equipment (after a movie about our hike that included the fact we could buy poop bags to carry our poop out if we needed to.  That's too long staying any where if you're carrying your own poop around).  We rented full suits are called "dry suits" and that they were.  There were younger people hiking in bikinis!  CRAZY.  The water was freezing.  We didn't feel a thing.  The shoes they provided kept our feet warm despite the cold water -- I still can't figure out how -- and the suit kept us completely dry.  It was great.  Except it stunk and made me dry heave at one point.  But that's not saying much, so does: Bread, pasta, pizza, yogurt, bananas, jello...  you get the point.  :) 

Walking sticks also came with the rental and we added on dry bags for our supplies and cameras.  Worked like a charm!  Poor Nick had to hike with that extra 50 lbs on his back tho!   He fell two or three times, but considering he was baring some serious top weight against a major current, he did awesome.

We met a lot of people along the way, which was of course fun.  Heather, a lady hiking the Narrows, stayed with us for different parts of the hike and we really enjoyed her company.  As well as a two other couples we picked up here and there.

I'm not a great swimmer so I was a little concerned about the hike.  The Narrows had just opened up a couple days ago and it was very difficult to get any information on the status of the water.  We decided to risk it and turn back if need be, but fortunately there was no need.  The water never did get higher then my waste and fortunately we never had to swim. 

Ok, enough blah blah blah, here are some pictures!

The beginning of the journey!

Mostly suited up -- I kept the suit tied around my waste most of the day. 

Nick suiting up! 

A bend in the river. 

What a terrible outfit.  And it stank.   

So beautiful.

Kind of shows areas where it was calm, but you weren't sure how deep.  I think for this stretch we hiked along the canyon wall.

Nick crossing the river.

For some reason the pictures have been distorting a bit.  Hopefully this irons out for those of you viewing, it was such a beautiful area and not at all yellow on the bottom.  :) 

Just a couple shots entering the park. I'm weary of uploading pics, it's taking forever for some reason.

Wish this picture conveyed the magnitude of this... but it doesn't.  Was just huge.

Remind me to tell you about the fake Sherif in this place we're staying.  :)  Too funny. XOXO  I'm outta here for today!