Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rough and Tough

It has been a long two, maybe three weeks!  Those ones that you come home, try to do something and just can't.  I'm sure the weather change has something to do with it, but it's also been busy busy busy.  Watchagonna do?  :)

At the moment I'm happy not to be anywhere but right here in my chair typing this!  :)

Last few weeks have been project weeks!  Happy with lots of them too!  A few of us started working on the women's bathroom at church about three months ago.  It's a small church with problems and potential.... some days it feels more like problems than potential, but after getting thru the bathroom it felt like a big victory!  And a much needed face lift. 


So, after 3 or 4 months, we got back on the job!  Here's the mostly done end result.  Still trying to figure out what we can do w/ the baby changing table to make it a little more attractive.

Blinged fluer de lis!  LOVE. 

Love the door sign. :) 

SO YEA!! It's super adorable. Eventually would like to get black and white tile thru the lobby and the bathrooms.

A work night at the church, painting, thought this was a good picture of the boys. :)

This Friday I went and saw Ron Paul (that may be the quickest statement to offend all my conservative and liberal friends)!  I was surprised at myself for making it there.  :)  I consider myself pretty a-political given my belief that right and left (should those be capped??) are basically corrupt.  I'm such a cynic.  What can I say.  But I do believe that.  That being said, I'd heard from enough people and even heard Jon Steward (Daily Show) say enough times that Ron Paul is someone who has stayed consistent his entire career, that I thought I'd give it a look see.

It was actually a fun night.  I sat next to a gentleman that ran a local chapter in support of Ron Paul and he was pretty much a celebrity.  People came up to him all night to say hi.  Super nice guy.  As he said and was evident in the room, there were probably some of the most liberal people in Iowa City in that room and some of the most conservative. 

Much of what he said felt controversial to both sides, in my opinion.  But his message overall was if you do responsible things as an individual you get positive results and the government should try on that same philosophy... sounds right to me.  I'm sure someone would say that's not what he said, but that's how I heard it.  ; )  It was a quick 40 min.  I didn't once think, all right dude, wrap it up.  And I think that a lot.  :) 

I ran into a kiddo Nick used to have in Sunday School there. :)  It was nice to see him again.

Well... so to do...

I've been trying to figure out what to do w/ these flower pins I have, they're always laying all over and falling off my dresser, so I made this!

AND I made these shoes!  (well, I glued glitter to them anyway)

I found Jack sitting in the chair like this the other day.  lol.

Shots from my photo class -- the assignment was "the essence of light."  So, reflection or shadow would be indicators of that...

I just liked this one -- no essence of light.

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