Sunday, October 23, 2011

Photo Food Inspiration!

I've been craving the cinnamon rolls that my mom used to make when we were kids (my grandma's recipe).   This is a tricky recipe for me because it involves proofing yeast and bread rising and I've failed at that a few time.  :)  So, I thought I'd photograph the journey and put my photography education to test and by cooking education to test and hope the results at the end are not terrible...

Proofing the yeast.

Ta da!  It actually worked!  :)

Mixing it up

The mess.

I'm always sooo happy when this actually happens. :)

The hard part... rolling the dough out and having it not stick to the counter.

Adding the yummy stuff! 

Almost done! 

Oh wait... another hour and a half until the rise a second time.  

YUM!  Left side w/ vanilla icing for Nick -- left side w/ orange icing for me. :) 

We made a run after church to the apple orchard in Solon.  Such a beautiful area.

lol.  This cow cracks me up.  They're so quizetive.

Dingleberry road... hmmmm.... 

Lunch at Short's downtown IC.  Love me some Short's! 

Torturing Jack.


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