Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Weekend to Remember and of Remembrance

Who doesn’t remember where they were that day? I always remember people older than me talking about where they were when Kennedy was shot, the space shuttle launched, the Berlin wall fell, etc. This was definately one of those days.  I was at work, on the phone with one of the guys I worked with. He worked from home and began to tell me about what he was seeing on the TV. I remember the perplexedness in his voice over the situation... with so much more yet to come.  We hung up the phone from each other and I remember the word spreading down the aisle I sat in. The guy next to me had a small portable TV for some reason (not surprising if you knew himJ), but he pulled it out and we all gathered around it and watched. A surreal day for sure.

It was interesting we had the opportunity to go to D.C. and New York last year. I was shocked at the size of Ground Zero, but it was mostly a construction site.  However, the memorial outside of it and the notes and things that were left in the area choked me up. I remember walking into a building that overlooked the site and a group of students were there that impromptu began singing “God Bless America.” It was impossible not to shed tears.

Ground Zero at the time we were there...

Memorials outside Ground Zero

Lady Liberty 

In D.C. we went to the Newsuem (a great museum if you ever get that way). They had a section devoted to 9/11. It took me a good hour to get settled down after that it was just so heart wrenching. One of the pieces of the exhibit was the front cover of a paper from the day after 9/11 from each of the states.

On a lighter note, it's been a busy weekend!  Summer is like that isn't it?  It gets filled up with us trying to do everything we can while it's still warm enough.  :)

My sweet friend Nancy is moving soon!  It's a good deal for her, but I will be one of many people that will miss her dearly.  Fortunately we booth still work at the same company so she'll be back and forth a decent amount I'm sure.  She decided that it was time to go thru her closets and said that she could handle my advice. :)  The subsequent days she told me the things she wouldn't get rid of, so I had visions of me tearing things from her hand as she wept, but she actually did pretty good!  :)  I was proud of her. 

Most of the stack!  we ended up adding another bunch a little later!  :)

My favorite find!  How amazing are the sleeves on this thing! 

Me wearing her Derby hat!  The box for it was HUGENORMOUS!  I didn't realize from her Derby pics how big this hat was.  I've owned a lot of large hats in my lifetime, but nothing like this! :)

From there we headed out to Croissant du Jour to grab some lunch.  If you've never been you need to go!  YUM!  I usually get the quiche and salad.  YUM!  And a couple Chocolate Croissants.  YUM!!!!!!  I had them for breakfast every day in France.  The lady who owns the restaurant is from France, so needless to say, they're just like the French ones. :) 

Yum!  Can barely see the chocolate in the middle here.  lol.  It's replacing Jack's head.  So funny.

Enjoying a chocolate mocha cake! 

So... from here the story gets silly!  A friend had sent me this link Friday that she couldn't quit laughing at and it was so funny when I saw it!  So, I told Nancy we had to do this after we got thru going thru stuff.  :)  She's always up for anything!  So, here are our attempts at Horsemanning. :)

This one cracks me up every time I see it. 

As does this one! lol!  We worked on this over and over again.

Poor Nancy, all the ones where she got to have a head didn't work out. 

Today we celebrated my mother-in-laws 50th birthday!  :)  It's really tomorrow, but we celebrated today at the Ox Yoke Inn.  The boys all get so excited about it.  It cracks me up.  They love them some ham and roast beef!  The mash potatoes were delicious today.  I could have ate them until they came out of my ears.

Presents Evie made for her 

Jack being weird.

1 comment:

Angie W said...

I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing at those pictures of you and Nancy. Those are priceless...I'm wiping away the tears...oh my!!!