Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big Sky Country!

But!  Before I get started on travel - I had lunch with my good friend Stacie Tuesday!  We've been friends ever since they day she thought we never would be -- I think it was my outfit. :)  I kept leaving my stuff lay all over this day for some reason, she even had to go back and rescue my camera at one point!  Poor girl. 

I've wanted to see Mt. Rushmore forever -- Wednesday we started on our way! 

I rode into work w/ Anne that AM, so Nick could pick me up after work, Jack got to go along on the ride to Anne's.

It was a busy day getting ready to get out the door, but I did squeeze in some visitors!  Nick stopped by with some friends of ours kids -- they wanted to see where I worked so they came up!  They got bored with it pretty quick, but they were pretty excited about the left over donuts in the CR.  :)

Got off work a little early and headed out the door.  We were a little confused, we were told repeatedly it was a terrible drive, but we were both really enjoyed it.  The land was beautiful and became quite a contrast to the Iowa I'm familiar with starting around Sioux City, IA.  It got a little flat in some parts, but I only really knew that it was "flat" because you could see for miles.  It was kind of cool, it reminded me of a piece we studied in art history - I couldn't find it on the internet to share, so you'll have to take my word for it!  :)

I know purists don't like the man made windmills, but I've always thought they were kind of cool.  Alien life forms on planet earth!  I just like 'em.  So, we took a few of those shots. 

I always pass the semi's carrying the arms of these on the interstate, took me forever to figure out what they were.  Nick said they make them in Cedar Rapids, so that explains why I see them all the time.

The sunset was beautiful - but honestly, this pictures don't even come close.  Probably because they were taken while driving at 80 mph.

We stayed in Sioux Falls, SD last night... and a very damp hotel.  :(  The humidity was so high in that place our clothes were still wet today.  I laid them all over the car to try and get them dry.  I actually departed from the hotel with my curlers in my hair, because I knew if I took them out in that hotel room, it would be over.  Needless to say, we were happy to get on the road this AM! 

We decided to stay in Rapid City, SD based on some advice my friend Karen gave us!  So, we had a about a 5 hour drive left today, but not before we stopped by the CORN PALACE!  I was super excited as soon as I heard about it from Jenny!  How could you not be!  It's a place that is covered in murals made out of corn cobs!  The building also has a lot of corn related stuff (husks, etc.) around te structure!  It was a fun 20 min detour along the way.  Nick didn't want to go initially, but he came around once we were there.  Come on, how could you not -- CORN PALACE PEOPLE!

Some people play different kinds of sports here - the murals you see are all done in corn cobs.

Back on the road the fields of sunflowers were really neat to see!  I've never seen so many in my life! 

And then it happened!  The Bad Lands!  I always interpreted "The Bad Lands" as "The TOUGH Lands"  but from my understanding, when the Indian's named it they really meant, "The Lands That Don't Grow Anything and Are Not Hospitable to Live In." 

I read that they appear out of no where.  You're driving and then there they are.  It was very true.  It was crazy, the terrain just changed.  Like with the sunset, the pictures don't really capture how amazing this area was.  It was just fascinating.  I couldn't quit thinking about all the good gifts God has given us.  We take so many things for granted.  What a beautiful world we live in.  The park is 244,000 acres I believe, it's amazing.

The cool part is then Nick tricked me into a "quick" hike.  I had asked him this AM if we were hiking today and he said, maybe just a small one... my legs are still jello.  I am out of shape, but come on... he must have known better than to tell me the truth. :)  I never would have gone.  Also, we went up and found out while we were still up that we didn't do it all, so we had to go back and do the last 1/2 over.  I didn't want to, but I was glad that I did when it was over.  And I told him I was.  It seemed like the right thing to do.  :) 
So we get started... a little man made artwork.  I can only imagine this is male humor at it's best alive and well in the prairie - there is no where safe!

Always comforting...

Fun times...

Yeah me!  I conquered the dangerous cliff!  Unfortunately, I had to do it twice!

Attempt two -- we finally made it to the destination!  Nick was in HEAVEN!  He loves him so hiking!

Really was worth it - so beautiful.

Oh yeah... you have to go back down.  It was a little scary, but I made it thru.  Cathi (my mother-in-law) said when she was young, living in Hawaii she jumped from an Olympic size high dive because there was no way she was going back down the latter -- jumping was just a second decision.   So Cath, this pics for you. :)

Different area of the park - so amazing.

Hard to tell, but this area had different coloring then the other area.

Awww!  PRAIRIE DOGS!!!!!!

We stopped at Wall Drug, which was fun.  We had a donut and coffee because they're advertised along the way and we were both craving one by the time we saw the last sign for one.  It was DELICIOUS!  we're going to stop back on our way home and get more.  Also, I read about this, but Wall Drug brings in students from all over the world to work at the store (apparently for hardly any $ - if I remember that correctly :)  Anyway - that was kind of interesting too, there were definitely kids from all over the world working there.

Rainbow outside our hotel in Rapid City!

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