Thursday, September 22, 2011

Accomplishing Something!

So!  The reason I started this blog was initially to get my butt in gear and start taking awesome photos!  A love, but not a talent of mine. :)

So, I started a photography class a couple of weeks ago and it's been AWESOME!  Super exciting.  The teach has started at the very beginning which is great!  Sometimes you get in those classes and they start in the middle.  

The two most exciting things I learned were:
1.) there is a thing called a diopter (sp) on the side of the view finder on the camera.  Moving that will change the focus of what you're seeing thru the view finder.  It was like putting on a pair of glasses after going w/out them for years!  SO exciting.
2.) The camera lens can focus in manual mode while the actual camera is in automatic mode.  The cool part here is that I now have the ability to decide what the subject is, verses hoping the camera knows what I think the subject is.  YEA!!!!!

So, the assignment was to take pictures from several angles of a subject that was bigger than a bread box and smaller than the Old Capitol with the lens on manual and the camera on auto.  Ended up using the tree in the front yard.  And... I must say... I didn't do as great as I thought I did!  MUCH room for improvement!  But it still was exciting!  I almost screamed and jumped up and down out there.  :)

The subject: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Liked the sun coming thru here... 

Sun reflecting off the lens and I like it. 

So, long story short... I learned new things -- and I have a TON more to learn!

Back to auto setting...

We had a 3D edition of our company magazine come out and I thought it would be funny to capture him reading the magazine w/ his glasses on. :)

I think he's a little drunk here.  ;)

There might be a cuter dog somewhere in this world... but I highly doubt it.  SO CUTE (and naughty). 

Jack's been an avid reader since he was young. 

And now as an old man -- he's still reading!  ;) 

I'm happy this work week is coming to a close -- it's been a long tired one!  However; the week before that I was able to connect with several friends, some of which I haven't seen in way too long!  :)

Becki (far left) is my work mom!  :)  She hired me from an office ed student to a full-time employee when I was 18!  She's taught me a lot of good things along this journey.  Sweet Shirl (middle) retired from Rockwell almost 10 years ago (can it be that long!!?)!  She kept some tough boys in-line with more grace and poise then most can pull off.  A lovely lady. And me!  In my Amsterdam tights!  Everyone thought I had a disease, a rash, was beaten... on and on.  They are SO beautiful -- apparently that was lost in translation. :)

My sweet friend Jackie!  We worked together back in the day.  She threw me a payback birthday party one year on April fools day.  Food, presents, e-mailed my friends around the world.  I took phones calls, received e-mails, went into bathroom stalls where my picture was everywhere wishing me a happy birthday.  I spent the entire day saying, "thank you, but it's not my birthday."  :)  It was a blast and she out did herself.  lol.  Good times. 


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