Sunday, August 28, 2011

Small Town Girl Learns How to Can

Wasn't a busy weekend, which was great! :)  My cute little brother stopped over to do some running with Nick - such a cutie pie (which he's completely oblivious too ;)

So, no big plans this weekend, but a friend of mine planted 23 tomato plants so I did some canning this weekend!  :)  I stopped by Kimmy's house to pick up the tomatoes after work Friday.  She also has a beagle - Maddie!  SO LOVEY!  It was great. :)  Wish Jack were that lovey. 

 It's been a few years since I've canned, so I was a little nervous about it.  I'm not a big instruction reader, I always get ahead of myself, which isn't a good way to do this process, but since I had done it once before, I glanced over Internet directions and started the party!

I quickly realized my boiling pot was too small and the towel I had stuck in the bottom wouldn't stay down and upgraded later that afternoon when I picked up more jars - I needed way more. :)

My new set!  It's great, it proper tongs and racks and all the good stuff I needed!

For those who have never canned following is a quick overview of the process:

1. Core the tomatoes and slice a thin X in the bottom
2. Blanch in a pan of boiling water for less than a min - emerge in pan of ice water - skins shed right off this way.
3. quarter into mason jars
4. fill the mason jars mostly full of tomatoes, and a splash of lemon juice, and all but a 1/2 inch of boiling water.
5. Cap - screw the outside lid on lightly - put in the water and let boil for 40-45 min. 
6. Pull out, let sit.  May even take up to a day one source said for them to seal, but mine went within an hour at most I think.


So, that's the story of a small town girl remembering how she always used to can one time five years ago.  Kimmy's up for some salsa or such next time, so new adventures await!

Also, we had practice today for NEW music after church.  I LOVE new music.  My self diagnosed ADD effects just about everything and music is no exception.  Anyway - we had a TON of new material to cover - this is a blip of our practice.  I decided to set up a video recorder - I couldn't tell where it's pointed so you couldn't see Debbie (the organist - playing the king - a B3) or our drummer. :)  But they're there.  Also, our guitar player has a head, you just can't tell from this vid. ;)  Was a fun practice and I'm excited about a ton of the songs! 

Also, I have spent a large portion of my life in practices.  When my sister and I were at the same church we'd have long practices most Saturdays and we'd practice until we were giddy.  Eventually someone would finally make the mistake that would shove us in to fits of laughter for 10 min straight.  Good times. 

Anyway - not perfect, but it is one of the better clips.  Few bugs to work out, but overall a pretty good first pass if I do say so myself.

Also, I got my Paris  Blurb book done finally - love this site!  They do softbound photobooks!  Very cool.

OH YEAH - and this is my sister's front side walk.  :)  I'm pretty sure we'd be arrested in this neighborhood for this.  Love the logo on the step - Martha's design maybe?  Their last name is "Norton" btw. 

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