Sunday, March 29, 2020

When Trapped at Home...

Well, when you're trapped at home pretty much 24-7, it's time to practice gratitude right where you're at and start working on some things you've put off.

I got a new-to-me camera last year and haven't really figured out how to use it.  So pulled it out to start working on it.  Why does technology always seem more difficult than it should be when you're first learning how to use it?  Needless to say, I have a long ways to go before I take a spectacular photo - on purpose. But as they say, practice makes perfect.

My gratitude is all the plants blooming.  I got several transplants last year and EVERYONE of them is coming up.  I am so excited!!  It's weird that the world is in lock-down, but nature is going on as if nothing has changed.  It's reassuring in some ways.

On another note, I've been working on the house for the past year.  Pretty much everything in the house needs to be upgraded, it was built in the mid-90's and you can definitely feel it.  But, I've been making progress.  Major things like windows and flooring still remain, but they'll come with time.

In the meantime, I'm down to 2 wall colors downstairs.  We started with 5 - magenta, periwinkle, brown, off-white and olive/lime green. I went with a light blue throughout the entire downstairs and an accent wall in a blue-teal.  It's glorious.  I could talk about colors  I also am pulling in gold, magentas, pinks, corals, etc. as accent colors.  It's working together quite well if I do say so myself.  

The windows are very large, so finding curtains that worked took some doing.  They're 109" and still don't touch the floor so I need to let the hem out at some point.  Also, I'm moving all the silver out of the house and replacing with gold.  Every time I add a little gold (lamps, curtain rods, etc.) it makes me so happy.  It's such a warm touch.  

I love the fireplace color so much and the built-ins are fun.  :). The pictures on the wall are prints of Van Gough's with cheap frames/mats from Hobby Lobby.  They look so good there.  

Also, I'm upping my plant game.  I've bought all my planters from TJ Maxx and Home Goods - such good prices.  I can't get over how expensive they are at some places.  

Look at the blooms coming out of these - so weird!! 

This is a Fiddle Leaf Fig -  apparently a very popular plant right now.  It's been doing really well and just got a new leaf.  I was SOOOO excited.  It will be more like a tree as it gets bigger.

Got this one from Hy-Vee for $15 -- it's a tropical plant so it's a little risky given our climate, but for the price I figured I could afford to give it a try.  I have another tropical plan in the corner of the living room and it is not doing so well.  


My aunt and uncle split several peonies for me AND THEY'RE COMING UP!!  I have been so pumped about this!  I was so hopeful they'd make it.  Mom had them lining our driveway when we were growing up and they were so beautiful. Apparently mom grandma also had them, so they're a family favorite.  

And lilacs... how can you go wrong.  I bought one and a co-worker gave me some sprigs last fall.  EVERYONE OF THEM HAS BLOOMS!!  I'M SO EXCITED!!  

This is the one I bought.  I'd like to get a dark purple one too.  

Isn't it glorious?!

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