Monday, June 12, 2017

Never Too Late

Well, it's been an epic 3 days, with not a lot of time between goings on.  I thought I'd try to at least get my thoughts down on a few things though before it all got away from me!

Saturday I graduated from college with my bachelors degree!  It was such a meaningful day.  It certainly feels like one of the greatest accomplishments in my life to date.  And I am super happy to be on the other side of all the work!  :)

As soon as I walked into the arena, with Pomp and Circumstance playing, I got all teared up.  I wasn't sure how it would hit me, but multiple times I teared up during the ceremony.  The ceremony was in the Denver area and in addition to Nick coming, my mom and dad came out to celebrate with me, as did my in-laws, which was also very humbling to have people come all this way to recognize this achievement.  I sat next to a guy who was in his 50's and graduating; his 80+ year old dad was there celebrating with him.  :)  That made me teary too.  The lady I walked down the aisle with was in her 40s and her kids were all there celebrating with her.  I think that was also a special aspect to it all, the room was filled with graduates of all ages, but certainly non-traditional students were the norm.  It felt like a room of people that weren't kids, but had worked through life to get it done.  I think that felt special as well.

It was a beautiful and emotional day.  Throughout the day I remembered multiple times what I told myself when things were getting difficult or stressful... it was a quote I found on Pinterest that helped me:
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.  The time will pass anyway." ~Earl Nightingale

For some reason that helped me every time I was struggling with my progress.  And the pictures below prove, the time did pass.  :)  I'm grateful to have spent it in a beautiful location with people I love and who love me.

Nick and me with mom and dad
Nick and me with my in-laws
Me with my stuff!  The guy behind me keeps cracking me up!  His family was sitting in the same area as my family and so he was showing them his stuff too.  lol. It looks like he's photoboming or something.  Too funny.  
Photo credit for the pictures above goes to my mother-in-law.  :)

Lady who I met at the ceremony.  Her kids got her the Wonder Woman cape, which a few of us talked her into wearing during the ceremony.  :)  So awesome.

I think this sums up my story as well... I got to graduation later than I would have liked, but I got there!  You're never too late to follow your dreams and accomplish your goals!!!  Remember... the time will pass anyway.  :)  

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