Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I'm Not a Colorado Boy

We were on the road by about 8:00am MT today and landed in Lee Vining, CA about 5:30pm PT.  Ample time spent in the car, but it was quite a lovely drive and I was able to keep reading, which was lovely. 

The drive was fantastic.  Utah, Nevada and finally California.  There's nothing like the sunshine state.

I said to Nick as we were driving yesterday, "I know you're a Colorado boy, but I'm more of a Utah girl."  To which he loudly exclaimed (he's been saying everything loudly - his ears have been plugged from sickness and altitude for days), "I'M NOT A COLORADO BOY!"  LOL.  It was like telling a toddler that they're you and you're them.  If that makes any sense.  :)  He explained that while he DOES like and appreciate Colorado, it's not his all-time favorite.  Truthfully, he's really more of a Cali boy at heart.  Who could blame him.  This is an awesome awesome place. 

Well, the big adventures start tomorrow.  We'll be staying in Yosemite for a couple days in their tent camp... We watched videos of bears going tent to tent trying to open the bear boxes (where people have to keep their food and any scented items like toothpaste or deodorant so bears don't try and come into the tents for food) in front of people's tents.  I'm hopeful that we don't have such an encounter, although it would be fun to see a bear... from a ways a way.  :)

Some pics - 1/2 of which are from a bug sprayed windshield.  lol.

The magnitude of these fins was amazing... see the road through the middle.  It was amazing as we approached them.  So cool.

The only picture with a human in it we took today.  We kept pulling off to take pictures as did some other guy traveling on his own.  So he and I took each others pictures.  I love doing that on vacation. 

I love when roads cut through these awesome structures.  It's just amazing.

We hit rain off and on today.  It was pretty cool to see it in the sky ahead of us.  The temps ranged from 71-93 today.  Next to Hwy 50, which is known as the "Loneliest Road," Hwy 6 is affectionately known as the "Even Lonelier Road."  It was just us for many long stretches.

Beautiful California.  Heading into the Sierra Nevadas.  

Our hotel.  El mono in Vining, CA.  I could spend my life in places like this.  Sitting outside typing this blog.  Life. Is. Good.

Our room.  Shared bathroom/shower, no TV.  Windows open... Ahhhhhhhhhh.  Livin'.

See you tomorrow!  xo

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I always love your vacation posts!