Sunday, August 28, 2011

Small Town Girl Learns How to Can

Wasn't a busy weekend, which was great! :)  My cute little brother stopped over to do some running with Nick - such a cutie pie (which he's completely oblivious too ;)

So, no big plans this weekend, but a friend of mine planted 23 tomato plants so I did some canning this weekend!  :)  I stopped by Kimmy's house to pick up the tomatoes after work Friday.  She also has a beagle - Maddie!  SO LOVEY!  It was great. :)  Wish Jack were that lovey. 

 It's been a few years since I've canned, so I was a little nervous about it.  I'm not a big instruction reader, I always get ahead of myself, which isn't a good way to do this process, but since I had done it once before, I glanced over Internet directions and started the party!

I quickly realized my boiling pot was too small and the towel I had stuck in the bottom wouldn't stay down and upgraded later that afternoon when I picked up more jars - I needed way more. :)

My new set!  It's great, it proper tongs and racks and all the good stuff I needed!

For those who have never canned following is a quick overview of the process:

1. Core the tomatoes and slice a thin X in the bottom
2. Blanch in a pan of boiling water for less than a min - emerge in pan of ice water - skins shed right off this way.
3. quarter into mason jars
4. fill the mason jars mostly full of tomatoes, and a splash of lemon juice, and all but a 1/2 inch of boiling water.
5. Cap - screw the outside lid on lightly - put in the water and let boil for 40-45 min. 
6. Pull out, let sit.  May even take up to a day one source said for them to seal, but mine went within an hour at most I think.


So, that's the story of a small town girl remembering how she always used to can one time five years ago.  Kimmy's up for some salsa or such next time, so new adventures await!

Also, we had practice today for NEW music after church.  I LOVE new music.  My self diagnosed ADD effects just about everything and music is no exception.  Anyway - we had a TON of new material to cover - this is a blip of our practice.  I decided to set up a video recorder - I couldn't tell where it's pointed so you couldn't see Debbie (the organist - playing the king - a B3) or our drummer. :)  But they're there.  Also, our guitar player has a head, you just can't tell from this vid. ;)  Was a fun practice and I'm excited about a ton of the songs! 

Also, I have spent a large portion of my life in practices.  When my sister and I were at the same church we'd have long practices most Saturdays and we'd practice until we were giddy.  Eventually someone would finally make the mistake that would shove us in to fits of laughter for 10 min straight.  Good times. 

Anyway - not perfect, but it is one of the better clips.  Few bugs to work out, but overall a pretty good first pass if I do say so myself.

Also, I got my Paris  Blurb book done finally - love this site!  They do softbound photobooks!  Very cool.

OH YEAH - and this is my sister's front side walk.  :)  I'm pretty sure we'd be arrested in this neighborhood for this.  Love the logo on the step - Martha's design maybe?  Their last name is "Norton" btw. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Things To Do In Iowa - Part 2

Is it possible that there's two weeks worth of stuff to do in Iowa!?  Seems unrealistic, but it's true.  ;)

We decided a month or so ago we needed to see the Iowa State Fair for the first times in our lives.  I got off work a little early on Thursday and away we went! 

My latest obsession has been crossword puzzles... not sure why... I'm sure 10 weeks from now it will be jello molds are something equally as uninteresting.  I tricked Nick into stopping for a snicky snack somewhere where I could pick up a book of them... in an effort to get moving he picked this ridiculous one off the shelf.  It's super annoying.  Betty Boop and Superman have "spit curls" in common - for the record. 

Friday we were up and at 'em!  Hit the mall and a couple other places and then took a shuttle from the Capitol to the fair grounds.

I was kind of surprised at how old timey it was.  There were preserves and pies and cakes and pickles and everything imaginable being judged.  I kind of assumed that that part of it didn't really take place any more.  It was kind of neat to see, although I have to imagine it was a bigger deal at one point in time.  Kind of made you long for yesteryear for a moment... but just a moment.  :)

We walked along - there were a decent amount of people, but nothing out of control.  We ended up in the kid rodeo tho and it got CRAZY!  There were midgets (3-6 yrs old) riding sheep!  And the sheep were like bucking broncos, it was CRAZY!  I was interested and very concerned.  It looked like a couple of them were being trampled by sheep!  Some of them were so proud and others of them were crying their eyes out.  The crowd was CRAZY for it! 

Look at that midget holding on!  I think this one was a girl.  She would not let go of that thing.  Most of them weren't even out the gate and the sheep had bucked them off, but this one got quite the ovation for her efforts. 

One of the sheep ran out of the gate, dumped the kid and then jumped directly into the air 10 feet I bet.  The crowd LOVED it. 

It was funny too, one part of the fair there were people everywhere eating fried food and riding rides, but when you got back in the ag section it was different, people were more doing business, shaving sheep, buying supplies, chatting with other farmers.  It was a completely different vibe.

LOOK AT THIS THING!  It's unbelievable.  Also, when people say, "strap on a pair" I'm pretty sure this is what they're talking about.  ;)  lol.

Look at the ring it that things nose!  Mom said she remembered her grandpa pulling a bull by the ring in its nose as hard as he could and it wasn't budging.  Seems like he'd want to go along w/ it at that point...

Awwww... so cute!  Getting a hair cut! 

When we got there I had a corn dog and a lemon aide shake up - Nick had a fried snickers.  Both delicious.  Before we left we had fried cheese and an order of curly fries... I was ill by the time we left.

Objects in the mirror are as large as they appear!  Unbelievable.  People were stopping me to talk about it. 

In summery, the butter cow was completely lame.  And I'm very happy I made it to the state fair!

Ok... I should stop here, but it was such a fun filled weekend!  I have to keep going!  So, my mom and her sister were going to the... I am having a brain fart... it's a market down town... I'm sure it will come to me.  Anyway, Mel and I and Luke decided to join them, so it was up and at 'em again Saturday AM.  It was a lot of fun.  I was surprised at how large it was. 

Amazingly cool bird feeders made out of all kinds of stuff.

My lovely mom and sister and Luke the midgie.  I forgot to take a pic with Aunt Cathy!  :( I was mad at myself about that when I got in the car!

Neat things this lady makes out of photos 

Crazy dancing - this has now become one of my long term goals.  I want to dance in a street somewhere like I don't actual know or care someone is watching... I want someone to think I'm worth taking a video of!  :)

Ok - so mom took Jack when we were gone and then I reclaimed him at the farmer's market.  When everyone pulled up they were complaining of him passing gas the entire time and a little accusatory if I do say so.  So, I asked what he had been eating... mom did return him with a full bag of his dog food... between mom and the twins stopping by later I found out he'd been eating cat food and potentially spoiled leftover...  hmmmmm... guess who else rode home w/ noxious fumes?  :)  You guessed it.  Also, he was SO tired.  He NEVER sleeps in the car, he crashed almost immediately upon getting in the car.

Also, I got these glads! So beautiful! 

Then a friend of ours came to preach this weekend, so we got to spend some time with him!  I've loved him a long time - he's a lovely soul.  God has also blessed him with a lovely set of pipes.  He sang a song with our music team today and it was like heaven!  Loved that he could spend time with us and he delivered a heart felt message as well that was timely.  Was sad I forgot to get a pic at lunch today to, my beautiful mother-in-law, Mark, Nick and I hit lunch at one of our fav spots downtown today!

Some things in Iowa City I love....


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Things To Do In Iowa

Well, that list isn't as long in Iowa as it is some places, but we managed to party hard all weekend. 

Saw lots of people I love again, which was great.  :)

Grabbed dinner w/ a childhood friend, Rachel - it was nice to catch up - and it was for the second time this year, which we both agreed was a great accomplishment.  Wish I had my old pics scanned in, I'd drop one of those in here. :)

Just remembered I had this!  I'm the nerd on the left, she's the nerd on the right.  Did we coordinate that hair thing or did our mothers?

Came home from work the other night and my sisters' midgets were at the house!  YEA!  It was fun to see them.  I wasn't happy at how big they were tho.  :(  They grow up too fast.  Mel's son Luke feels like he's moving into that next phase!  Kiera was the same - too big for my liking.  What do you do tho, part of life. :)

They apparently saw a man dressed as a chicken that day and Kiera wanted to talk about it endlessly. :)

Friday night we headed downtown to hear the FunkDaddies play and to Sand in the City.  I kept trying to figure out if they had rigged a digital organ up to a old school leslie, but they hadn't!  They had chopped the B3 up for portability and painted it black.  There is nothing like the sound of a HAMMOND.  Nothing.  Denny Kettelson was the organist, it was fun talking shop with him a while.  I was no where near as smart, but I loved it just as much as he did, so that felt like it evened the playing field a bit.  At least in my mind. :)

Denny Kettelson, The B3 and Me! 

Doing what we love in the city we love!

Funnel cake?  Yes, please! 

Lemonade Shake-up?  I think I will!  

Making Jack do what he hates. Sit like a human being. 

Also, when I went to France I tried to figure out if the women didn't shave, for the record, I never figured it out, and also for the record I've noticed WAY more women in Iowa City who don't shave then I ever saw in France.  Ok, now that we have that cleared up, I'll move on!

SO, Saturday we headed to the 97th Meskwaki Annual Powwow.  I read about it in the local paper and wanted to go and my husband graciously decided to accompany me. :)  I wasn't sure I'd be able to get him there, but he went.  One of the conclusions of the day is we don't love each others driving, but other than that, it was a beautiful day!  I managed to cry thru a good 15 min of the powwow...  not sure why but it was a little emotional to me.  They had a portion where they honored Vets... in a powwow... and it got to me.  People carrying on traditions I think is something special too.  Maybe it was the heat?  Maybe I'm hormonal?  Beats me, but I cried.  :)

How can you not love midgets in feather!?  He danced his heart out! 

Another cutie pie midget!

They were proud that their young "nation" of men were carrying on their traditions.  The young nation also turned out to be a Hawkeye nation - there was a pretty good woop when the Hawks came up.  :)  These guys played the large drums and sang the chants.

Ummmm... I LOVE this guys shirt! 

And this guys! :)  These seem like the metro-sexual regalia!  Seriously love that shirt! 

Pullin' over to take a picture w/ this beautiful backdrop!

It was a great day, and then it got even better!  Andy (Nick's brother) and his wife (Nicole) came over with the midgets and spent the night!  :)  So, we headed back down to Sand in the City and then to see Lilo and Stitch in the park.  It was a great night!  Church picnic the next day and needless to say, I'm more than a little exhausted right now. :)

I think Evie just told him she fed the steak to the cat.  ; )

Putting the ship together! Got pretty close. 

Orange slices serve many purposes. :)

"Emie do it now." 

LOL!  Love this pic!  

The brothers found some t-shirt place that sold drinks for $.37 - we heard about it all night.