Friday, June 17, 2011

Let's get this party started! :)

Trying to make sure I remember everything, but instead I sit down to write a blog.  In 2011 that's not even a cool waste of time... too bad I missed this blogging when it was actually hip. 

It's finally here!  I'm one of those people that doesn't get to excited until my feet hit the ground... you never know if the bottom is going to fall out. :)  I guess it's self preservation or something. At this point though, I'm definitely excited!  Bring on Paris!

So, my starting weight - none of your business - but we'll see how I hold up overall when I get home.  I'm hoping the walking out does the good eating I've been promised.  I LOVE me some food.

Also, when Nick and I went to Vegas we debunked a few myths about Vegas (food is cheap, it's a family place... and something else I can't remember).  I've been reading a lot about Paris (can't buckle down to read a tourist book, but ask me something about French culture or ways of life, I've got that down) and of course everyone has heard things over the years about the magic of Paris and the French, so here are a few things I'm interested to see:

French Women:
Are the majority of French women skinny?
Do they really wear mostly black?
Do they wear heels the majority of the time?
Do they really not shave?

Other Curisosities:
I don't eat much bread (it gags me a little), will the great art of French bread be so great that even I love it... hmmm....
Will they be rude
Do a majority speak English and will they help an American wondering cluelessly (spell check says this is not a word) around Paris

Well, I could probably write all night, I keep thinking of one more thing, but that's probably just to avoid getting my packing done!  SO EXCITED! :)

The shoes that will be visiting Paris w/ me!  Kelly S. pointed out today I had more shoes then days... oops...  :)

PS - Everyone I work with - no editing my writing.  Period.  Not even in your mind.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Bon Voyage, Emie--I hope it's a wonderful trip!