Sunday, June 19, 2011

Off to see the wizard! 06/18/11

Hit the deck hard last night!  Thought I might have trouble sleeping, but I was out like a light… until 2:00am, then my subconscious woke up my conscious and wanted to talk about the trip it was going on.  Fortunately after about 30 min, my conscious beat the tar out of my subconscious and we were back in the sleeping business.  Must have slept pretty hard, I woke up w/ groves in my face the size of the Grand Canyon.  Always very evident on my very pale face (the polite call it alabaster, the rude, “are you feeling ok.”)

The dog knew havoc was getting ready to be reeked on his schedule – something he hates.  However, my hair must have known the best was yet to come and it started the day off nicely.  My hair is like its very own person… some days a responsible citizen and some times a bratty teenager with a mind of it’s own, who no matter what the restraints, is going to do what it wants. 

Poor Jack, he didn’t want to let me out of his site, he knew I was leaving him.  Nick handled it a little bit better,  but I do wish he was coming along.  They are the boys I love. J

They actually look like they’re happy in this picture, which isn’t completely accurate, not because I’m leaving but because they both detest when I break the camera out for a timed picture session.  J 
Oh yeah - Jack trying to keep me from going:

So, now I’m sitting in the airport, watching a cute man pick his nose, needless to say his attractiveness is taking a hit.  Hopefully he’s not trying to pick up women here, cause I think that’s going to count against him.

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