Thursday, December 22, 2011

New House!!

First a correction note!  I said in the last post Nick and I had been married for 15 years next year... it's 14.  :)  Oopsie.  I've worked at Rockwell next year 15 years!!  

What a hectic few weeks it's been!  :)

Christmas service, Christmas, busy work schedules AND a move!  :)  A night a couple weeks ago I woke up at 3am fretting about all the things there were to do and after much debate finally just decided to go into work instead of trying to sleep.  You know!  One of those months. :)  So, it's been tired but I've had a great couple weeks.  I've been able to see and squeeze a lot of friends I love!  I love the new house.  The Christmas service wasn't extravagant, but the extra work seemed to have paid off and it was nice service. 

Looking forward to the next few weeks!  More seeing family and friends!  I'm excited!!

I thought I'd share a few pics of the new house!

There's a real fire place!  We were laughing today that we'd probably never use it as we get up and go to much on the fly and then we'd be worrying about logs burning.  

Awww... so cute.  Jack's acclimated pretty well!  He's lovin' the fenced in back yard.

 The kitchen is a smidge smaller then our last place, but I really like it.  You have to keep it clean tho -- everything is so wide open, things can look pretty messy quickly.

 The master bedrooms a little weird.  It has this long entrance that comes into it... (Jack's kennel will go downstairs eventually, just haven't made it that far :).

 Then this long entrance that empties into the upstairs bathroom.  Used to be laundry upstairs to the left, but that got moved down.  The storage upstairs is nice.
 My closet!  Poor Nick, he took the office closet.

The messy office!  It's my holding pen for now.  Time to take inventory and figure out what I need to keep/get rid of.  :)

My sweet friend Angie that I love!  We worked together in a previous job and we had some good times.  She literally could make me laugh until I cried.  Fun, fun, fun. 
She just had her third midget!  We met at our favorite place (Fiesta del Sol) and I got to have lunch with my sweet friend and squeeze the baby.  He's such a little dolly.   She's a master at beautiful babies, but no surprise, she's a goddess inside and out.
 We had dinner a few weeks back with some other friends we love!  Nick worked with Christy (girly on the left - her fiance Ryan is far left and their midget Abby) and Brad (guy on the right with wife Michelle) met thru the gym they work out at.  It's been a fun few years getting to know each other.  We had a great night telling stories and laughing and playing games. As we like to say in this group, "you don't even know me man."  Nick's little brother came too, but he managed to leave before I got my camera out.  Darn him. 

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