Saturday, February 25, 2012

Craving the Open Road!

It's most assuredly about that time!  Neither Nick and I can stand it we're both ready for vacation! I've been trying to find smaller things to tied me over until then, but my plans have been foiled lately.  :)

It's been a furniture month!  We got a couch before Christmas that finally came!  My first bought and paid for couch!  I love it.  Nick, the dog and I all try to lay on it sometimes.  :)  It's great fun. 

This was probably our second couch, our first couch was a hideous brown and orange hide-a-bed that we had for MANY years before my parents decided they were ready to get rid of their 20 year old couch and gave it to us... it was definitely an upgrade.  It met a fatal demise...  we came home from and Jack had had it for lunch apparently.  :) 

I won't go thru a history of all our couches, I just had to share that picture of Jack.  So funny... now.

And here's the new one!  :)  When you're young you always think it will be something flashy and ornate... now I'm older, I just want something I can sit/lay on comfortably.

I had also ordered a few pieces from my grandpeppy and mom and dad brought them home from Phoenix a couple weeks ago!  I've been working on staining them and really like how they've turned out so far. 

The only problem w/ it is it made everything else look like it needed an upgrade! lol.

This is the organization piece he made me, I just got the drawers stained yesterday, so I'll have to post finished pics later.  I'm excited about it, all my crafty stuff goes in it and I can get rid of all the boxes I've had laying around.

I took yesterday off!  What a lovely day!  I woke up same time I would for work for some reason and couldn't help taking pictures!  I always worry about being a residential neighborhood like we're in and having a camera out before it's light out, it seems creeperesque, but it hasn't stopped me yet.  :) 

Look at that snow!  Love days like this, especially when I don't have to drive in it. :) 

Jack basically followed me around trying to get in pictures.  :) 

Hey!  I'm over here, can you get one of me doing this? 

Can you get one of me looking stately? 




He's a moody artist, what can I say?

Nick and I headed downtown Iowa City to grab a bite to eat at the Brown Bottle.  We love Iowa City and downtown is definitely one of the reasons why.  We both love being down there.  Grabbed a bite at the Brown Bottle.  It was delicious!  Took some funny pics along the way. :)

Nick cutting my head off. 

Never noticed this on the side of a building down there. lol.  Saw it from my seat at the restaurant. 

My delicious Honey Dijon Mozzarella Chicken! :) 

Nick's classic coffee/landmark pic. 

Me bowling, pretty fierce.