Saturday, November 26, 2011

7th Times a Charm

Well... this Thanksgiving break was MUCH needed! It's been tooooo busy lately!  'Tis the season!  :) 

Nick turned 33 and I did a terrible job taking pictures of it!  :)  He had a fun week tho.  My sisters decided a family stop by was in order to wish him happy birthday.  Mom brought wild rice soup -- yum!-- so we all benefited. :)  Later that week he headed off with his family and watched Lisbon win the championship of football for their class??  He was talking pretty fast when he got home... always a sign of a good time. :) Then Sophie came and stayed Friday night and we headed to Olive Garden one of the places he loves.  He had him a cup of birthday coffee and we called 33 a success!

SO, we're getting ready for move #7!  The things about moving frequently, is you don't accumulate a lot of junk. :)  The last move we got rid of a ton of stuff, and I think this next one will about push us to the necessities... with the exception of my clothes closet... but I look at that as a two fold thing... necessity and hobby.  So, obviously it deserves more space!  :)

That being said, we decided it was time to stop carting around my wedding dress from place to place.  Nick's a little more sentimental about it then I am, but it's a little sad for me too... but not sad enough to move it again. :)  BUT, for posterity purposes, I thought I'd try it on one more time!  Here's the good news... I can still get in it.  The bad news... I can't breathe while wearing it.  lol. Guess that's what happens when you get married at 18. 

Nick's been making me laugh my head off all weekend... 

Next year will be 15 years and to my recollection (grant it my memory is bad) I've not had a day yet that I haven't been thankful that I married who I married.  He has integrity, handles me and others with love and loves God.  That being said, I think there are moments when he's "suggesting" I clean up my clutter or stop buying so much crap at Goodwill that I might come across less thankful. :)  Poor boy.  :)  How has he made it this long?

We didn't have many good pictures from our wedding (our own fault) and most of the ones we did have the tulips by the pulpit ended up coming out on either side of Nick's head.  In several pictures he looks like he has ginormeous ears.  lol.

Anyway!  We had a lovely Thanksgiving at Pop and Cath's.  It was a lovely low key day!  I talked Evie into taking some pictures with me.  I love midgets, they're cute and uninhibited.  How can you beat that?  :)

My sweet brother with Berlin -- the 100lbish German Shepard. :)  Also sweet.   

We also did a little dog sitting!  Frankie (a girl) has stayed with us before, so, this time seemed a little more fluid.  She's SUPER cute and cuddly.  Come Friday she was ready to go home and Jack was ready for her to go home too.  :)  He's an old man set in his ways, but he did pretty good.

Moochers mooch... 

Cath and I went and saw "Mouse Trap" at the Old Creamery Theater.  I grew up on Agatha Christie so I was happy camper.  :)  They did a great job AND it was funny.  It's apparently the longest running play in England.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Last Class!

I finished my photography class!  It was great fun and the teacher was reallly good!  She offers the intermediate class in April, so I'm hoping to do that.

The last class pictures were probably the best shots I had, but they were of Jack, so it's hard to go wrong w/ a cute kid or a furry animal.  They're just crowd pleasers.  He was my only willing subject, so I guess it was a win-win for us all. :)

Blurry, but this one just mad me laugh: